Cigar shop
Lit Cigar and Martini Lounge represents the next generation of cigar and martini lounges. We feature a powerful combination of unmatchable atmosphere and exemplary VIP service, giving us a unique vibe that is welcoming to both men and women.
Lit Cigar and Martini Lounge provides state-of-the-art ventilation and air purification systems that not only get rid of smoke, but also bacteria and virus particles, such as COVID-19, that are in the air; providing you with fresh and clean air to breathe.
Proper dress code is required. Lit Cigar and Martini Lounge reserves the right to deny entry at doorman’s discretion. Dress code strictly enforced on Thursday/Friday/Saturday nights after 10pm & during special events.
Lit Cigar and Martini Lounge offers a wide range of assorted cigars, hookahs and rentable cigar lockers. Try our specialty drinks and martinis. Bottle service is available in our VIP area. Featuring live entertainment, live DJ and multiple big screen TVs to watch the games!